Our IT Support Company Is Moving – For Real This Time!
Our Office Move is Back On Track!
If you’ve ever moved to a new house, you know that there is a completion process and an exchange date. Luckily with a business move the worry of not knowing if you can move on that day is removed (and no one has to sleep in a removal van or at their parents!).
Don’t Neglect Legal Advice
Due to the change in our office move circumstances, at the last minute we arrange to have an impartial solicitor to swear a statutory declaration. Fortunately, we have a few solicitors as clients and one of them happily helped out with this process.
We also learned something fun during this process. Apparently, it is an old solicitor’s tradition that you pay your solicitor £5 and cross their palm with silver. Luckily, we had enough change to hand & were able to keep the tradition alive! Don’t forget to bring change to your solicitor when it is your turn for an office move!
Signing the Lease
When we were signing the lease, we had our solicitor tell us all the areas in the paperwork which needed to concern us. Fortunately, we had already seen most of these and addressed any concerns, so we were happy to go ahead and sign the lease.
There were a couple of snags that had been found, although they were relatively small and the financial exposure if these had been missed would have been minor. This is why is it so important understand what you are signing up to in the lease.
After You Sign Your Lease
The first thing that we organised after we signed our lease was to organise a move in date. Then we were ready to contact any parties who were interested in our move (customers, insurance & utility companies etc.).
We had our internet company and electrical cabling contact on site the following working day, organising the routes that cables can follow and configuring the network for our use. Our internet is due to go live a few days before our move in date, although we do have a Plan B in the form of 4G in place just in case there are any issues.
Our Office Move
Now that we have our office move date and our plans are in place, we cannot wait to get moving! We are looking forward to getting settled and working in a space that makes our business work even more efficiently. Watch this space for our updates on the office and don’t forget that if you need any help or advice, we are happy to pass on what we’ve learned!